George Gebelein - Retiree Tributes - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

George Gebelein

George Gebelein entered McDonogh in 1955 as an eighth grade scholarship student. Five years later, he graduated as one of the highest commissioned officers in the corps of cadets.

Academic achievement, hard work, service to his country, and devotion to McDonogh are themes that have woven their way through Mr. Gebelein’s life; and he credits McDonogh with pointing him in the right direction. In college, he majored in Physics, minored in Mathematics, and was enrolled in the ROTC program. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Army and served in Ethiopia. He spent a career in the telecommunications industry and completed his master’s degree while holding down a full-time job.

Mr. Gebelein returned to McDonogh in 2003 as Director of 校友 Relations. Four years later, with incredible dedication and professionalism, he stepped into a newly created part-time position designed to coordinate and expand McDonogh’s stewardship program. In this role, he has assisted in generating millions of dollars in support of scholarship. He has taken great pride in coordinating the annual scholarship luncheon, which has evolved into one of the highlights of our school year. 

On the lighter side, Mr. Gebelein has become well known for selling everything from cars to TVs, and cameras on McDonogh’s classified email system. He thoroughly enjoys tinkering with everything electronic and is happy to help anyone fix their gadgets. When not consumed by these mini projects, Mr. Gebelein enjoys spending time with his two dogs, attending Ravens and Orioles games, and eating crabs with his buddies.

Mr. Gebelein has a wealth of institutional knowledge and is highly respected by all members of the McDonogh community. He will truly be missed by all, and especially by his colleagues in Bowman House. He personifies the words of John McDonogh… “we give something more than we take.”